Om mig | About me

2009-08-10 I started my advancement to become a Ham operator. After the license was done I worked local QSOs on the 80 meters band and repeater QSOs.
   In february 2010 I started to learn cw. The goal was to learn enough cw to be able to run a cw contest. The “target” was CQWW-CW 2010. Warm up for the big “thing” was the SAC-cw contest. In this contest SM5DGA op name “Jan,” decorated operator from the “old guard,” joined me for 24h to show how it should be done. It was an honor for me to have that kind of help to learn the noble knowledge of cw and how to get the job done. 
   In the beginning of august 2010 I got some serious help from SM5CBM aka SM5C op name “Bertie”. Bertie advised me what kind of amplifier that best suited me at my QTH. To have this kind of backup from “old Hams” is a privilege! I also got some advisees for the “old fox” SM5AQD aka “Hawk”.
   In CQWW-SSB I was on air for 31 hours and scored 1140 QSOs. CQWW-CW 2010 is now over and the results was not close to the goal of 1000 QSOs. My new goal is CQWW-2011 and perhaps this will be the year for “The Rookie”.

”Low Budget Contest Station”
SM5F is a contest call used by SA5BJM op Johan. My “Low Budget Contest Station” is a BB-Gun! The antennas are dipoles for 40, 20, 10 and G5RV for 160-6 meters band. The QTH is a flat on the second floor. Very nice neighbors who finds it very interesting that someone have laundry lines in the tree tops…

RIG: IC-7000, IC-735

Modify SB-220

BST 73de